Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well, I went for my checkup with my surgeon today and he is very very happy. Blood work came back good. I will go and see him in 6 weeks for another check up.

Well everyone has been asking and I have officially lost 50.5 pounds!!! I am totally excited. That is a lot of weight in such a short amount of time. The is like losing a whole child, Jr weighs 50 pounds, that is just amazing to think. It is very reassuring. I am starting to look into health clubs, imagine me in a health club, but if i really want this to work that is what i need to do.

Monday, December 29, 2008


I am bored out of my mind today. It is cool and wet outside so I cant bring the kids out to play, so they are cooped up inside. I am trying to finish laundry, what excitement!!

I went to my diabetes dr this morning. From her records I have lost 46 pounds. I will get my official weigh in tomorrow when I see my surgeon. She was happy with my progress but my sugars still are not right. So she put me on a liquid glucophage, which is the same thing as the pills I used to take before the surgery. She did not put on the insulin, so hopefully I will not have to do that too. She is optimistic about how I will do, although I am not. I want to live without all the needle pricks and meds. So hopefully as I lose the weight the sugars will come down.

I took some pics today. I hate taking pics of myself to start keeping a photo diary of the changes. It does make it easier to see in a pic what has changed. I have definately lost weight on my back, and face. My poor boobies are getting smaller too.

I am feeling good but restless. I NEED SOMETHING TO DO

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Did't do much today. Last night we had some people over and watched UFC 92. It was totally awesome and had a really good time. I have added crackers and fruit to my diet. It is settling well on my stomach, that is a relief. I am still belching though. Whenever I eat it starts. It is just so nasty!

I go to my diabetes dr tomorrow. She is a great dr, but i hate going there and having to deal with diabetes, it is just depressing. I also go to see Dr. Warden, my surgeon, on tuesday. I am excited about that appointment because i get my official weigh in.

We shall see what tomorrow brings

Friday, December 26, 2008


WOW, Christmas is over. It was a great day! My family came over to open presents from Santa. It was so nice. Everyone left and the cleanup began. We then went to my grannies for lunch. Everything was perfect. I actually ate a little potato salad and some green beans. We got to sit and chit chat for awhile.
We then went to Randy's parents house. It was like they were waiting for the kids, there were so many presents to open. The kids had a blast and everyone was in a good mood. It was so nice and laid back. We stayed for awhile but then headed back to my grannies to see my cousin that was in from Thailand and his new baby.
I was completely exhausted but it was a perfect day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I decided to start blogging here because I will be blogging more on how I feel and the weight loss and felt it would be better kept on here.

I have been feeling so good the past two days. I have been having a ton of energy. I woke up this morning and tried on a pair a pajama pants that randy got for me 2 christmases ago that never fit. I tried them on two weeks ago and they were no where close to getting on, well this morning they went right on without any problems!!!! That just makes me so happy ;)

Today we are getting ready for Santa. Lacey and Skylar are supposed to come over and make cookies for Santa. We are going to decorate them and all. Just so much fun. Everyone is coming to my home in the morning to open santa gifts. I knew it would all work out, just some are so stubborn, lol, but i love them. Joseph will be bringing Dana. I am so glad to have her around. She makes Joseph happy and it is like it is supposed to be. The kids are happy and everyone is full of the Christmas spirit, this is how it is supposed to be. I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow, I just know it is all going to work out.