Sunday, January 11, 2009


Goodness, it has been so busy I haven't had any time to type. School started back on Monday. It was slow moving to get not just myself and Jr, but my students back in routine. I am wearing old clothes that have either never been worn or never really fit well in the first place. So it is pretty much something new everyday. Everyone I work with has been so unbelieveably supportive. Encouraging me on how I look and wondering how much I have lost. So is just so exciting. This week was nothing new on the diet, although I did try rice a few days earlier than I am supposed too, but it sat well on my belly. Next week I can really start opening up my diet to anything low fat except for the ham, pork and beef. So I get to start having seafood, chicken and turkey. Wednesday is my 8 week anniversary. I can't believe it has been that long already. I went and bought new undies last night cause the others are pretty much falling off. I was actually able to walk into J C Penny and buy underware. I usually have to go to Lane Bryant or wal-mart. But to walk into pennies and buy underware is over whelming exciting. So,it will be nice to watch these get loose!!! I do think I will have to buy a new bra soon. I am on the very first inside set of loops, which has never been the case for me, and the cups of my bras have way too much air space. It is so weird to me, less and less boobies, but I am trying to deal.

Yesterday was a great day. The kids and I went early to my parents so they could play before it started to rain. Everyone was outside and just had a great time. The kids hung out with Joseph and James as they did things in the yard. The kids did not want to leave, but I had to bring granny home. We ended up meeting back up for dinner. It has been so long since we all went out to dinner together. We used to do it every saturday. And since everyone has been tight financially we just haven't gone. Well the kids ended up spending the night with my parents, which is so nice.. Before we went home we made a trip to the hospital to see Dana. They had her come in and admitted her. They are trying to find out what is really going on with her, and why she is in so much pain. I got to meet her mom. Wow, what a great first impression that was. She had already chewed on Joseph and Dana for not calling her sooner. Although, Joseph had texted her. And not to mention that she doesn't care anyways. I am the one that sat with her on Christmas eve at SMH. Her mom even complained while she was there saying she couldn't miss work (She deals poker at a casino) so Dana needed to get the tests this morning cause she had to be at work for 2. Well, because our family always has drama------ Dana's sister and mom and now hating on Joseph. They are saying that Joseph is running up Dana's medical bills and bringing her to the hospital for needless things. Then Her sister calls their father and says that she is worried that Joseph is going to abuse Dana cause of the difference in age. Here Joseph has been taking care of her and he is getting attacked. Dana's sister is an RN and do you think once she has offered to help Dana. Her mom doesn't give a damn, and doesn't want to be inconveniced.

This week is going to be so busy at school
I have 8 student conferences, two workshops. Not to mention a ton of other things. On Friday I am meeting with an Avon sales rep so I can start selling avon. I have to find a way to supplement the family income so hopefully this will be a little help.

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